Tags hubspot sales training

Which of the following is a best practice for onboarding newly hired salespeople?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a best practice for onboarding newly hired salespeople? Which of the following is a best practice for onboarding newly hired salespeople? Cover everything they might ever need to know and then provide review sessions later on to reinforce what they learned.

What is the “source of truth” for every sale’s status?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the “source of truth” for every sale’s status? What is the “source of truth” for every sale’s status? Your pipeline meetings. Your business intelligence dashboard. Your CRM. ✅ The assigned sa...

True or false? A good sales process has enough flexibility to allow salespeople to adapt to the needs of individual prospects.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? a good sales process has enough flexibility to allow salespeople to adapt to the needs of individual prospects. True or false? a good sales process has enough flexibility to allow salespeople to adapt to the needs of individual prospects. True. ✅

True or false? Having reliable sales data is required to create an effective coaching program.

Below is the answer and explanation for true or false? having reliable sales data is required to create an effective coaching program. True or false? having reliable sales data is required to create an effective coaching program. True. ✅ False. Correct answer

What are the stages of the buyer’s journey?

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the stages of the buyer’s journey? What are the stages of the buyer’s journey? Identify, connect, explore, advise. Awareness, consideration, decision. ✅ Enable, align, transform.

Which of the following is an example of a formal job story?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is an example of a formal job story? Which of the following is an example of a formal job story? It was my anniversary, and I wanted to go someplace nice, so I made reservations at a local bed and breakfast. They offered a packaged deal with a local theater and a restaurant,...

Which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel? (Duplicate Question 1)

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel? Which of the following is a problem with thinking of your business as a funnel? Movement through a funnel immediately stops when things stop flowing into the top of the funnel. ✅

Which salesperson would most benefit from a coaching program?

Below is the answer and explanation for which salesperson would most benefit from a coaching program? Which salesperson would most benefit from a coaching program? An underperforming salesperson who is dedicated to improving. ✅ A top performer who wants to get even better. A top perform...

Which of the following should be the primary focus of your sales onboarding program?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following should be the primary focus of your sales onboarding program? Which of the following should be the primary focus of your sales onboarding program? Your company’s goals and initiative. The products or services you sell. Your t...

When hiring salespeople, what is the most important thing to look for?

Below is the answer and explanation for when hiring salespeople, what is the most important thing to look for? When hiring salespeople, what is the most important thing to look for? Innate sales skills. Selling experience. Proven rapport with your target persona or industry.
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