Tags Meta description

Meta Description (Description Tag)

Definition: Meta description or Description tag is an HTML tag utilized by Web page creators to render information about search engine listings. Information: The META information tag resides within a specific portion of the Web page (above the section), usually underneath the title icon and over the META keywords icon. Composing...

All of the following impact a website’s ability to rank on a search engine results page EXCEPT:

Below is the answer and explanation for all of the following impact a website’s ability to rank on a search engine results page except: All of the following impact a website’s ability to rank on a search engine results page except: URL. Page title. Meta description. ✅ Header tags. Site architec...

Adding your city or location keyword to your meta description helps you rank better for mobile searches.

Below is the answer and explanation for adding your city or location keyword to your meta description helps you rank better for mobile searches. Adding your city or location keyword to your meta description helps you rank better for mobile searches. False. ✅ True. Correct ans...
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