Tags incremental conversions

How is using non-last-click attribution conversions useful for Performance Planner forecasts?

Below is the answer and explanation for how is using non-last-click attribution conversions useful for performance planner forecasts? How is using non-last-click attribution conversions useful for performance planner forecasts? To find growth opportunities regarding device targeting. To take advantage of seasonal trends throughout the year.

Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different Performance Planner plans?

Below is the answer and explanation for why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different performance planner plans? Why should campaigns with different marketing objectives be separated into different performance planner plans? To avoid any potential keyword duplicates between different marketing o...

Maria has been told that she should use the Performance Planner on a monthly basis. Why should she do so?

Below is the answer and explanation for Maria has been told that she should use the performance planner on a monthly basis. Why should she do so? Maria has been told that she should use the performance planner on a monthly basis. Why should she do so? To analyze demographic performance. To review new keyword opportunities. To check for...
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