Tags prospect

Here’s an agenda that follows the CGP, TCI, BA framework: 1. Build rapport, recap previous conversations, set agenda. 2. Explore the challenges the prospect has and their plans for overcoming them. 3. Explore their timeline and discuss the cons

Below is the answer and explanation for here’s an agenda that follows the CGP, TCI, BA framework: 1. Build rapport, recap previous conversations, set agenda. 2. Explore the challenges the prospect has and their plans for overcoming them. 3. Explore their timeline and discuss the consequences of inaction and the implications of success. 4. Explore budget and authority. In this agenda, which part...

When using the 1-10 closing technique, what should you do if your prospect gives you number lower than six?

Below is the answer and explanation for when using the 1-10 closing technique, what should you do if your prospect gives you number lower than six? When using the 1-10 closing technique, what should you do if your prospect gives you number lower than six? Back up to the explore phase of your inbound sales strategy and figure out...

Where in your presentation should you present case studies on other companies you’ve worked with?

Below is the answer and explanation for where in your presentation should you present case studies on other companies you’ve worked with? Where in your presentation should you present case studies on other companies you’ve worked with? At the beginning of the presentation, to build credibility. At the end of the...

How do you determine the timeline for closing a deal?

Below is the answer and explanation for how do you determine the timeline for closing a deal? How do you determine the timeline for closing a deal? Ask the prospect when they need to achieve their goal and work backwards from that date to determine when they need to sign the contract. ✅ A...

How long should the rapport-building part of an exploratory call be?

Below is the answer and explanation for how long should the rapport-building part of an exploratory call be? How long should the rapport-building part of an exploratory call be? Short. Don’t spend more than a few seconds on rapport building. Long enough to get the prospect comfortable discussing goals and...

How can you start building rapport before getting on a call?

Below is the answer and explanation for how can you start building rapport before getting on a call? How can you start building rapport before getting on a call? By researching your prospect. ✅ By practicing your sales pitch. By sending multiple emails to prepare t...

Fill in the blank: If a prospect says, “If I don’t find a way to solve this problem, I’m going to have to start laying off employees,” that’s an example of a __________.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: if a prospect says, “if I don’t find a way to solve this problem, I’m going to have to start laying off employees,” that’s an example of a. Fill in the blank: if a prospect says, “if I don’t find a way to solve this problem, I’m going to have to start laying off employees,” that’s an example of a.

What does it mean to make your outreach “human”?

Below is the answer and explanation for what does it mean to make your outreach “human”? What does it mean to make your outreach “human”? Avoiding automated processes and technology. Making sure your approach is empathetic and personable. ✅ Making sure your first me...

What is the main goal of a presentation?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the main goal of a presentation? What is the main goal of a presentation? To provide value to the prospect. ✅ To recap the exploratory call. To work with the buyer on pricing. To review what...

Which Sales Hub tool would you use to send a quote to a prospect?

Below is the answer and explanation for which sales hub tool would you use to send a quote to a prospect? Which sales hub tool would you use to send a quote to a prospect? Products. Quotes. ✅ Deals. Templates. Correct answer Quotes. ✅ The above answer is related to HubSpot sal...
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