Tags ad

What happens when a user meets the frequency cap for an ad?

Below is the answer and explanation for what happens when a user meets the frequency cap for an ad? What happens when a user meets the frequency cap for an ad? Ads stop serving to that user. Ads serve at a lower CPM. Another ad or a default ad is served. ✅ The placement stops serving to that user....

Contextual Advertising

Definition: Contextual Marketing is a technique of marketing in which the advertisements are served based on the webpage content (such as its theme or overall look) Information: During the beginning phase of web-based marketing, advertisements delivered on web pages were allocated to early birds first. For instance, the first marketer was free to select the place where...

Button Ad

Definition: It is a factor for graphical advertising that is more miniature than a banner ad. Information Button ads have several varied dimensions. There are various standards; for instance, 120×90, 120×60, 125×125, and 88×31 (micro-button). Moreover, nonstandard button ads are quite popular. The very upper or lower part of a pa...

Above The Fold

Definition: The part of a webpage that can be seen without a scroll down. Information: Subject to changes in the resolution of the viewer’s monitor, the fold changes. As compared to higher settings, the fold stretches up much higher on the page in lower settings. The final decision regarding what applies below or above the fold hinges o...

Banner Ad

Definition A graphical web advertising unit. Information Love them or hate them, banner ads are one of the dominant forms of advertising online. Due to the widespread acceptance of the standard 468×60 banner ad size, buyers can easily secure placements at most sites, and publishers can accept ads from most advertisers. Banner ads were initially judged primarily o...

Text Ad

Definition: A text ad refers to an ad utilizing text-based hyperlinks. Information: Emails frequently make use of text-based ads; that rule the Web through their graphical-based equivalents. Affiliate marketing is an aspect where text ads have prospered. A lot of advertisers have started to realize the underlying potential of the...

Surround Session

Definition: A surround session refers to an advertising pattern through which a visitant views ads from a single advertiser during an entire site visit. Information: The New York Times has launched a surround session using an online platform. This act has become a hot topic in the online advertising community. A surround sessio...

Ad x add

Mnoho lidí si plete tyto dva pojmy. Oba jsou napsané správně, nicméně každá varianta znamená něco jiného a píše se jinde. ✅ Add– pochází z anglického slova addendum (dodatek) a je užívaný zejména jako dodatek ke knize, dokumentu a podobně. ✅ Ad...

Ad x add

Obě dvě zkratky jsou napsány správně. Jen každá z nich se používá trochu jinak (liší se ve významu). A dnes se dozvíte, kterou z nich je možno užívat v českém jazykovém prostředí a jak se od sebe vzájemně liší. Zkratky ad a add Vysvětleme si nejprve význam jednotlivých zkratek: Zkratka ad  pochází z lati...
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