Tags design

Design x desing x dizajn

Přejatá slova nám leckdy dělají problém ve výslovnosti, ale někdy i v psaní. Slovo design jsme převzali z angličtiny, a kdybyste pátrali ještě dál, zjistili byste, že pochází z latinského designare – označit, vyznačit. Správně tedy píšeme design (čteme jako „dyzajn“), pozor na překlepy a přehození písmenek, desing není správně. S varian...

Imagine your entire agency has committed to adopting Growth-Driven Design as it’s core web design strategy. The leadership team is pushing to implement the entire GDD methodology in the next two weeks. Which of the following statements would be

Below is the answer and explanation for imagine your entire agency has committed to adopting growth-driven design as it’s core web design strategy. The leadership team is pushing to implement the entire GDD methodology in the next two weeks. Which of the following statements would be the best advice to give to your leadership team? Imagine your entire agency has comm...

You’re hosting an exploratory call with a regional trucking company that came to you because it’s interested in a website redesign. Which of the following questions would be best to help set the stage for positioning Growth-Driven Design later

Below is the answer and explanation for you’re hosting an exploratory call with a regional trucking company that came to you because it’s interested in a website redesign. Which of the following questions would be best to help set the stage for positioning growth-driven design later in the sales process? You’re hosting an exploratory call with a regional trucking com...

Your team wants to make the transition to Growth-Driven Design. However, your leadership team is worried about selling a service your team has never implemented. Which of the following is NOT a good suggestion for your leadership team?

Below is the answer and explanation for your team wants to make the transition to growth-driven design. However, your leadership team is worried about selling a service your team has never implemented. Which of the following is not a good suggestion for your leadership team? Your team wants to make the transition to growth-driven design. However, your leadership team...

Jiří „Jerry“ Tvrdek: Viděl jsem mnoho talentovaných lidí selhat, protože nebyli dost vytrvalí

Je to malíř. Kreslíř. Akorát nemaluje a nekreslí. Pracuje ve Photoshopu a navrhuje grafiku pro webové stránky. Patří mezi jedny z těch zvučnějších českých jmen mezi grafiky. Na Twitteru jej znáte pod přezdívkou Jerry, jinak...
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