Tags kpi

Which of the following should you do before setting new KPI goals?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following should you do before setting new KPI goals? Which of the following should you do before setting new KPI goals? Identify current performance for your KPIs. ✅ Create a project plan to meet your goals. Ident...

Which of the following factors is NOT important to determine during the website goals step?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following factors is not important to determine during the website goals step? Which of the following factors is not important to determine during the website goals step? The number of high-impact pages required to build on the new website. ✅

Which KPI is most likely to be a vanity metric?

Below is the answer and explanation for which KPI is most likely to be a vanity metric? Which KPI is most likely to be a vanity metric? Reach. ✅ Engagement. Return on Investment (ROI). Retention and loyalty. Correct answer

Zoe is a digital marketer at a graphic design agency, and she’s been tasked this quarter with improving the firm’s SEO. However, the only guidance she has received from her boss is to get the site to rank higher on Google. In order for Zoe to c

Below is the answer and explanation for Zoe is a digital marketer at a graphic design agency, and she’s been tasked this quarter with improving the firm’s SEO. However, the only guidance she has received from her boss is to get the site to rank higher on Google. In order for Zoe to create a successful SEO strategy for the business, what should her first step be? Zoe...

SMART / SMARTER metoda (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound, Evaluable, Reevaluable)

Metoda SMART / SMARTER je mnemotechnická pomůcka používaná v projektovém řízení a koučinku ve fázích stanovení cílů. Jedná se o způsob jak hodnotit kvalitu projektových cílů nebo cílů osobního rozvoje. Stejný termín se také často používá při řízení výkonnosti, kdy cíle jsou požadované parametry, které by měl naplnit hodnocený zaměstnanec. První zaznamenané použití tohoto pojmu bylo v li...

KPI – Key Performance Indicator – co to je?

Dnes je to všude samá angličtina. KPI je zkratka slov Key Performance Indicator. Přeloženo do češtiny – klíčové ukazatele výkonu. Tento pojem se spojuje s marketingem a představuje měřitelné cíle. Klíčové ukazatele výkonu (KPI) KPI’s jsou cíle, které umožňují vyhodnocovat efektivitu kampaní i dalších projektů. Mohou nabývat více podob podle toho, jaká firm...
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