Tags fundamentals of digital marketing google garage

What type of information can KPIs provide?

Below is the answer and explanation for what type of information can KPIs provide? What type of information can KPIs provide? Audience segmentation. Long-term projections. ✅ Financial viability. Board decisions. Correct answer Long-...

Once you’ve worked out your Unique Selling Point (USP), how would you use it in a long-term online strategy?

Below is the answer and explanation for once you’ve worked out your unique selling point (USP), how would you use it in a long-term online strategy? Once you’ve worked out your unique selling point (USP), how would you use it in a long-term online strategy? Incorporate it within marketing materials across all channels to help ra...

Why is optimising customer touchpoints online beneficial for businesses?

Below is the answer and explanation for why is optimising customer touchpoints online beneficial for businesses? Why is optimising customer touch points online beneficial for businesses? It allows brands to add pop-up ads at every point of the customer journey, ensuring high visibility. It gives businesses the...

What should you consider when developing your website content?

Below is the answer and explanation for what should you consider when developing your website content? What should you consider when developing your website content? What your customers are looking for. ✅ Your latest promotions and discounts. Your brand values.

Which of the following is something you’ll probably want to exclude from your website?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is something you’ll probably want to exclude from your website? Which of the following is something you’ll probably want to exclude from your website? Prices. A lot of deep scientific information and detailed statistics. ✅

Fill in the blank: A __________ is a shortcut to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the web.

Below is the answer and explanation for fill in the blank: a is a shortcut to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the web. Fill in the blank: a is a shortcut to other pages on your site or elsewhere on the web. Hyperlink. ✅ Return link. Menu bar. Breadcrumb....

What is a web server?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is a web server? What is a web server? The customer service representative you can call when you have questions about your website. The answer you get when you search a term on the web. A computer connected to the internet with softw...

Which of the following statements is true when it comes to developing a web presence for a business?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when it comes to developing a web presence for a business? Which of the following statements is true when it comes to developing a web presence for a business? Customers can learn about a business by downloading a mobile app, but they can’t place an order...

Which of the following statements is true when marketing your business online?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when marketing your business online? Which of the following statements is true when marketing your business online? You need a website to show up in search results. You’ll reach a similar client base to the one you have in the rea...

Which of the following statements is true when it comes to taking a business online?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following statements is true when it comes to taking a business online? Which of the following statements is true when it comes to taking a business online? Stick to what you are doing and don’t make changes. The same content works across online and offline p...
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