Tags search ad

Which part of a Search ad isn’t automatically generated by Dynamic Search Ads?

Below is the answer and explanation for which part of a search ad isn’t automatically generated by dynamic search ads? Which part of a search ad isn’t automatically generated by dynamic search ads? All of these are automatically generated. Destination URL. Headline. Description line. ✅ Correct answer

Samira has been tasked with increasing the relevance of her company’s ads. She has been told that she can use multiple headline options in her responsive search ads as a way to increase relevance. How many headlines can Samira include in a sing

Below is the answer and explanation for Samira has been tasked with increasing the relevance of her company’s ads. She has been told that she can use multiple headline options in her responsive search ads as a way to increase relevance. How many headlines can Samira include in a single responsive search ad? Samira has been tasked with increasing the relevance of her...

Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms?

Below is the answer and explanation for which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Which of the following is a common feature of email marketing platforms? Personalised, custom templates. A free list of email addresses you can target. A feature all...

What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks?

Below is the answer and explanation for what should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks? What should your search ad have in order to promote more clicks? A call to action. ✅ A catchy headline. A close-up photo. A social media l...

What elements should be included in your search ad copy? Select all that apply.

Below is the answer and explanation for what elements should be included in your search ad copy? Select all that apply. What elements should be included in your search ad copy? Select all that apply. Questions. Keywords. ✅ A call-to-action. ✅
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