Tags marketers

What is the difference between Programmatic Guaranteed deals and preferred deals?

Below is the answer and explanation for what is the difference between programmatic guaranteed deals and preferred deals? What is the difference between programmatic guaranteed deals and preferred deals? Programmatic guaranteed deals are incompatible with conversion pixels. Preferred deals have required minimum spend. Preferred deals do not allow targetin...

What are the two main objectives of an app marketer? (Choose two.) Select All Correct Responses

Below is the answer and explanation for what are the two main objectives of an app marketer? What are the two main objectives of an app marketer? Responding to user feedback. Generating app reviews. Driving app downloads. ✅ Encouraging app usage. ✅ Correct answer

Run of Network (RON)

Definition Ad buying feature in which ad placements might be shown on any page on a website within an ad network. Information Marketers in run-of-network marketing often do not demand ad placements because they are seeking lower rates and expanded outreach. Inside an ad network, ads may be put randomly in sections of sites that are not bought or either invaluable.

Run of Site (ROS)

Definition Ad placements might be shown on any of the pages of a specific website in this ad buying option. Information Marketers often do not demand a preferred place for ads because they are looking for lower rates and expanded outreach in run-of-site marketing. The ads might be placed randomly on less-visited and less significant sections of the website. Run-o...

Pay Per Lead (PPL)

Definition: PPL refers to an online advertising payment paradigm through which payment relies singularly on qualifying leads. Information: A pay per lead contract refers to the marketer only paying for leads produced at the designated site. He does not make any payments for users that do not register. A lead is signup th...

Pay Per Scale (PPS)

Definition: Pay per sale refers to the online marketing payment paradigm based only on qualifying sales. Information: In a pay per sale contract, the marketer pays for the sales produced through a designated site based on a previously decided commission allowance. Paying per sale seems like a beneficial payment paradigm to marketers and...

Media Kit

Definition: To assist potential customers in analyzing marketing options, Media Kit is a resource built by a marketer. Information: Data regarding ad sizes/formats, rates, targeting options, case studies, audience profiles, contact information, and other things that assist customers in making a reasoned choice are included in media kits. No hard-and-fast rules ex...

Interstitial Ads

Definition: The advertisement that shows up when browsing between two pages. Information: A pop-up ad is the most encountered form of interstitials. A more intrusive full-page ad is becoming famous which prevents the viewer from looking at the content page and focuses his/her attention on the ad forcibly. Interstitials belong to the category of interruption advertising....

Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what?

Below is the answer and explanation for mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what? Mobile advertising is a great tool for marketers, but all that good work could be undone if your website isn’t what? Optimised for different devices. ✅

Which one of the following is NOT a way that UGC can help marketers?

Below is the answer and explanation for which one of the following is not a way that UGC can help marketers? Which one of the following is not a way that UGC can help marketers? Provide social proof and amp up your credibility. Boost SEO. Enable you to get past ad blockers because the con...
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