Tags advertising

Pop-under Ads

Definition: The ads that show on the webpage behind the present web browser. Information: Pop-up ads and pop-under ads are a little similar in nature. Although pop-up ads appear and are shut down swiftly, whereas pop-under ads stay behind the opened webpage and are shown once you close the other pages. Related Terms:

Pop-up Ad

Definition The advertisement which shows in a new browser window. Information There are different varieties of pop-up windows. In a standard web window, they come with the features of minimizing, closing, and maximizing. Pop-up ads are disliked by people searching on the web. Advertisers often have no idea of the resentment they produce because visitors find it e...

Run of Site (ROS)

Definition Ad placements might be shown on any of the pages of a specific website in this ad buying option. Information Marketers often do not demand a preferred place for ads because they are looking for lower rates and expanded outreach in run-of-site marketing. The ads might be placed randomly on less-visited and less significant sections of the website. Run-o...

Self-Serve Advertisement

Definition: It is the advertising that may be bought without the help of a salesperson. Information: Self-serve advertising is generally interlinked with text marketing and micro-advertising campaigns. Both of these terms are not identical, but some of their aims, for e.g., efficiency, are same. By eliminating the costs of a marketing sales representative,...

Advertising Network

Definition of advertising network A network representing many Web sites in selling advertising, allowing advertising buyers to reach broad audiences relatively easily through run-of-category and run-of-network buys. Information about advertising network Advertising networks provide a way for media buyers to coordinate ad campaigns across dozens, hundreds, or even thousa...

Trick Banner

Definition: A trick banner refers to a banner ad that tries to trick individuals into clicking by faking operating system messages. Information: Trick banners strive to succeed over “banner blindness” and “banner baggage” by concealing the truth that they are mere advertising mediums. Generally, advertisers are not named, though message...

Surround Session

Definition: A surround session refers to an advertising pattern through which a visitant views ads from a single advertiser during an entire site visit. Information: The New York Times has launched a surround session using an online platform. This act has become a hot topic in the online advertising community. A surround sessio...


Definition: Sponsorship refers to the advertising aiming to institute a more profound connection and alliance among the advertiser and the publisher, including organized beyond-the-banner positions. Information: There are several different instances of sponsorships that unfold distinct advertising possibilities rather than through conve...

Permission Marketing

Definition: Permission marketing refers to marketing focused on retaining consumer permission to acquire information through a company. Information: Seth Godin invented and familiarized the term permission marketing that is the contrast of conventional interruption marketing. Permission marketing confers to the development of a continuing relati...

Media Kit

Definition: To assist potential customers in analyzing marketing options, Media Kit is a resource built by a marketer. Information: Data regarding ad sizes/formats, rates, targeting options, case studies, audience profiles, contact information, and other things that assist customers in making a reasoned choice are included in media kits. No hard-and-fast rules ex...
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